
The guide is available for download in a digital-only form, for use on computers, tablets or e-readers, and a printable booklet form. The only difference between the below versions is the page order–the first one has the pages in order for reading on a screen, while the second one has the pages arranged so that they will be in order after printing and folding.

Download the digital guide, for use on computers, tablets, or e-readers (PDF)

Download the printable booklet version (PDF)

To print, open in any PDF viewer (Acrobat, Preview etc.). Set to print double sided, and select “Flip on short edge.” Keep in order and fold when printed.

Smaller File Sizes

The below files are the same as above, but with smaller file sizes (lower resolution), so that they are easier to email or to download on slower connections.

Download the digital guide, for use on computers, tablets, or e-readers (PDF)

Download the printable booklet version (PDF)

To print, open in any PDF viewer (Acrobat, Preview etc.). Set to print double sided, and select “Flip on short edge.” Keep in order and fold when printed.Download file for reading on computer

2 thoughts on “Download

  1. Hi, I would love to download the version for use on computers, but I get the booklet version with both links. Could you please send a good link to me? Thanks!

    • Thanks for your comment! Actually, both links are correct. They both are laid out the same and have the same first page, but the one for computers has the pages numbered so that you can scroll down and read them, while the one to print has them ordered differently, so that they will be in order once you print it out and fold it over.

      At this time, we do not have a regular document layout available, but it’s something we could consider for the future. Thanks again for your interest in the guide.

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