Deadline Extended to March 1: Trans*Buddhists Anthology

A few months ago, we were excited to share this call for submissions for this awesome project by Kevin and Liz in Vancouver, Canada. Kevin and Liz have let us know that they’ve received many amazing submissions, and that they are extending the deadline to March 1, 2016, to allow time for anyone else who’d like to submit.

Seeking non-fiction prose, essays, stories, poetry, comics, and memoirs for a new Trans* Buddhist Anthology. No previously published works please.

Wide range of stories and essays being sought.
  • How does your Buddhist/meditation practice influence your gender identity?
  • How does your gender identity influence your Buddhist practice?
  • Are there specific things about the dharma and your gender identity that are good fits? Has there been any conflict?
  • Have you found a trans* inclusive sangha? Are you struggling without one?
  • Does being trans* have any influence on the particular school of Buddhism that you follow?

There are so many different topics that could be included in this anthology. The editors are looking forward to hearing your stories and sharing those voices with others. It could help create a larger extended trans* sangha.

Approximately a 2000 word maximum.
Please include a 50-100 word bio about yourself.

The editors are working at multiple avenues for publication: a Buddhist publisher, an LGBT publisher, and self-publishing. At this point, we need submissions to include with the book proposal to the publishers. Either way, the Trans* Buddhist Anthology will be published.

Unfortunately there is no monetary payment at this time, however, each contributor will receive a free copy of the anthology. If at any time money is made from the sale of the books, through a publisher, or possibly a crowdfunding campaign, contributors will receive compensation after any costs that the editors have incurred.

The editors of the anthology, Kevin Manders and Elizabeth Marston, retain First Serial Rights to the work, meaning, the right to be the first publisher of the work. After the work is published in the anthology, all rights revert back to the author.

Submissions are due March 1, 2016. Please send your submissions, comments, or questions to Liz and Kevin:

Twitter – @transangha

2 thoughts on “Deadline Extended to March 1: Trans*Buddhists Anthology

  1. Hello, I am a trans woman living in Lincolnshire, England.I have a poem I could submit if you’d be interested to receive it.I kind of wrote it with your anthology in mind, or that is to say, the invitation brought the poem on.The poem isn’t strictly on a Buddhist theme, but is concerned with my own bringing out of the girl within. I could send it on, if you’d like to see it.Regards, Marina Loulli.

    Sent from my iPad


    • Hi Marina,

      Thanks so much for your comment! We aren’t the same people who are doing the trans*Buddhist anthology, but I have passed this on to them. You can also reach out to them directly at And please let me know if you would like to share anything on our blog – as you can see, we like to have community posts.

      All the best,

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